torsdag 28 oktober 2010

onsdag 27 oktober 2010

Inne med 1800-talet

1800-talet är tydligen en trend i designvärlden. Här finns bilder att stryka fast på tyger.

fredag 27 augusti 2010

The Open Door

The Open Door is a luminous and profoundly moving novel inspired by the life of Constance Fenimore Woolson, one of the most widely-read and respected American authors of the nineteenth century. Exploring themes of passion, life, death, friendship, and art, the novel is a vivid evocation of the complex forces behind literary creation.
After years of supporting her mother and a hapless brother through her writing, Constance finds herself in early middle age “hungry, ravenous to see and live as much as possible.” She sails for Europe with a letter of introduction to Henry James, the writer she admires above all others. Constance is intoxicated by Europe, Italy in particular, and she and James eventually meet in Florence. James is delighted by this highly intelligent, independent woman (whom he dubs “Fenimore” as a sign of his esteem) and makes her his confidante. For her part, Constance finds with James “the unequalled joy of never running out of things to say.”
Constance’s courageous, open nature is odds with James’s more secretive one and inevitably leads to friction, transgression, and revenge both private and public. Elegantly conceived and life-affirming, The Open Door is an unforgettable portrait of a remarkable woman who lived with passion and refused to accept the narrowing of her world.
Här finns mer info om boken.

onsdag 20 januari 2010

Herrmode à la Sherlock Holmes

"Sherlock Holmes sätter stilen". Artikel i Stockholm City om herrmode i slutet av 1800-talet.